Cliff’s 101 Tips for Health: Avoid ‘white’ carbohydrates

‘White’ carbs like pasta, bread and potatoes, are staples for many...but a friend to the waistline for few!

‘White’ carbs like pasta, bread and potatoes, are staples for many…but a friend to the waistline for few! As a rule, the white carbohydrate foods digest rapidly, spiking your blood sugar and leading to increased fat gain and poor energy levels. Some people are also allergic to these foods (wheat and potatoes are common allergens) and so reducing can provide additional benefits for many of us.

Those who are extremely carbohydrate tolerant need not heed this advice, and for those lucky few, pasta and bread could be foods to thrive on, but these people are typically in the minority, and many of us benefit from sticking to more natural, whole, unprocessed carbohydrate foods.

…white carbohydrate foods digest rapidly, spiking your blood sugar and leading to increased fat gain and poor energy levels…

From Carb-Appropriate 101 by Cliff Harvey PhD

Carb-Appropriate 101 gives you 101 daily tips to help you achieve the energy, health & performance you deserve. It includes daily tips for nutrition, movement, exercise, meditation, mindfulness, sleep, stress-reduction, and more! These tips are some of the themes that Cliff has written and spoken about over his decades in practice, in ‘bite-sized’ mini-articles.

Read the book from cover-to-cover, applying a tip a day, or simply open the book to any page to find a valuable health and performance tip to help you feel and perform at your very best.

Available on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback.

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