Issue #5 The Carb-Appropriate Review

Carbs vs Fat… The Food Fight Issue!

Issue 5 | Volume 1 | October 2019

In this issue:

This month we have a special ‘Food Fight’ issue that focusses on the low-carb vs high-carb debate!

Feature article

Should you choose high or low-carb?

There is a seemingly endless debate between advocates of high and low-carb diets.

In this article, Cliff Harvey PhD delves into the research, including that if he and his team, to show you what the science says about who is best suited to higher- or lower-carb diets.

Read the article here

In the literature

What is ‘benevolent pseudo-diabetes’?

There has been some suggestion that low-carb and keto diets can cause insulin resistance and this is supported by some animal studies and human clinical findings. However, low-carb also treats metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.

So, what’s going on here? Could the insulin resistance observed in studies actually be of benefit to people following a low-carb diet?

Read the article here

Another nail in the saturated fat & heart disease hypothesis?

The idea that total fat intake and saturated fat in the diet are linked to heart disease persists. Many studies and reviews of the literature have refuted this hypothesis and in this review of a recent meta-analysis, Cliff examines the faltering evidence for the link between saturated fat and heart disease.

Read the article here

The ‘big fat debate’ over low-carb or low-fat diets and diabetes

Recent media articles have highlighted the debate between low-carb and low-fat diets for treating diabetes. In this article, Cliff examines recent media reporting and the evidence for diet and the treatment of diabetes.

Read the article here

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